A “Transition” represents a change of one state to another state. In contrast, slide transitions mean changing one slide smoothly to another. Using Flutter, a software development kit (SDK), users can make a variety of slide transitions. This SDK is built on Dart programming language. The purpose of Flutter is to build user interfaces with powerful animations and graphics.
The Flutter slide transition widget can animate widget positions from their original one. In the Flutter app, animation enhances user's interest and entertains them. Moreover, it boosts brand identity and remains memorable to the users. In this article, we will discuss Flutter slide transitions along with how to implement slide transitions in the Flutter app.
In this article
Part 1. Understanding Slide Transition in Flutter
SlideTransition Flutter represents a widget with the ability to animate the position of the child widget that is under focus. To present this dynamic shift, two different inputs are undertaken, which include the child widget and the animation. It animates the widget's position relative to its normal position and slides through with the help of tween.
This animated child-widget transition is based on the animation and manipulates the position with the help of the offset value. This value defines the starting and ending points of the child widget and is referred to as the AnimationController component in Flutter. The entire widget is wrapped up with SlideTransition.
Additionally, SlideTransition can move diagonally, wither from bottom to top, or any custom position. Also, this goes off-screen and in-screen by creating entering or exiting effects. Seeing all the components, one can experiment with animation and change their duration and curves.
Part 2. Key Components of Slide Transition
To create attractive Flutter animations, it is essential to understand the core concepts first. Below are some foundations of the slide transition Flutter framework:
1. Animation Controller
The AnimationController component of the framework manages the duration and progress of the entire animation. The complete progress of the animation is managed through this component, which also defines the duration and playback methods. While staying within this component, the user can control its playback through the reverse, forward, and stop methods.
2. Animation
Animation in the Flutter SlideTransition framework represents a complete component executed through variating values. While the primary motive of the animation is to display the smoothness in the movement of the object, "Animation" in SlideTransition holds the animation and the AnimationController. This clarifies that the object to be animated and its speed is controlled throughout.
For instance, incorporating the animation of growing an image slowly within the transition will be directed through this component. Essentially, it will be used to identify the starting and ending points for this animation.
3. Tween
Tween is the attribute that defines the position of the child widget and potentially provides the pathway of the animation. It defines the offset value, which controls and mirrors the position of the animation with the child widget. Along with controlling the size of the animation, it can also support other widget properties, including color, opacity, and position. It shows how the faded animations are smoothly created.
4. Curved Animation
To generate a complex animated effect, Flutter offers a comprehensive system of settings to apply across the animations. Referred to as Carousels, it features the ability to slide animations in both directions, giving flexibility in creation. Curved animation in the Flutter slide transition makes it naturally appealing.
Part 3. Step-by-Step Guide: Implementing Slide Transition in the Flutter App
When it comes to implementing the animation, the concern lies in the successful execution of the process. Thus, let us guide you step-by-step on how to implement the Flutter SlideTransition:
Step 1: Import Required Packages
First, open your VS code and create a Flutter application there. Install the module by opening the command palette by pressing “Ctrl + Shift + P” on your keyboard. Now, select "Flutter: New Project" from the displayed drop-down list. Next, select the "Application" and choose a project location. Name the file and head to create a widget by writing Dart code.
To add slide transitions and implement a design, you need to import respective Dart code packages. While these ensure the proper operation of any code within the platform, be careful while importing libraries. Use the code “import 'package:flutter/material.dart” for that purpose. In addition, one can even use materialApp and stateless widgets, which will help in later establishments.
Step 2: Set Up the Animation Controller
The animation controller places the animation in a set value and uses it to reverse, stop, and forward it. It works as a controller of the animation behaviors. For example, one can repeat the animation by prompting the controller.repeat. Any animation applied in the slide transition will be mainly controlled through this system:
You have to define the desired animation and animation controller. In this regard, the following code snippet explains how the Animation Controller can be created on demand to manage the duration of the animation:
late final AnimationController _controller = AnimationController(
duration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
vsync: this,
)..repeat(reverse: true);
Here, the last parameter, "repeat(reverse: true);" keeps the animation repeating and sets up a reverse trend.
Step 3: Create Animation and Tween
Animation refers to the animating speed of an object from the starting point (0) to its actual size (1). In this way, animated objects slowly and smoothly grow from smaller to bigger. Tween works the same, but it used to change color and opacity, too.
To create color or any other adjustment with tween, there is a different starting point and a separate ending point. You can also define the parameters for curved animation with starting and ending points, defining the importance of tween in slide transition making.
late final Animation
begin: Offset.zero,
end: const Offset(1.5, 0.0),
parent: _controller,
curve: Curves.elasticIn,
Step 4: Apply Curved Animation
For complex animations, it is crucial to have a system that can apply both linear and curved animations. CurvedAnimation in Flutter provides the ability to improve the overall look and make an impressive outlook of the animation.
The following example is a snippet of how a simple addition of CurvedAnimation can be used in such conditions:
colorAnimation = ColorTween(begin: Colors.blue, end: Colors.yellow)
.animate(CurvedAnimation(parent: controller, curve: Curves.bounceOut));
Step 5: Build UI with Slide Transition
To build a user interface with slide transitions, define UI first. From the main function, every Flutter code has some starting points. There is a runApp method provided as a 'flutter/material.dart’ package, and the code is:
void main() {
Now, with the material.dart package, you can create a stateless widget. Overrule the build method that is used in the stateless widget. Afterward, using all the parameters, return to the materialApp widget and use the code:
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});
// This widget is the root of your application.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return const MaterialApp(
title: 'Slide Transition Widget,'
home: SlideTransitionWidget(),
return Scaffold(
Step 6: Triggering the Animation
To release the resources and dispose of the controllers, use the code for triggering the entire slide transition animation in Flutter:
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('SlideTransition Sample'),
backgroundColor: Colors.green),
body: Center(
child: SlideTransition(
position: _offsetAnimation,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: Image.network(
Set the color AppBar in the center and define the slide transition Widget in the center. Now, run the code by using the Android emulator. Furthermore, you can run the code by connecting your physical device.
Part 4. Add Transition Easily to Your Presentation with Presentory
Slide transitions add a smooth effect to move from one slide to another. What to do if you wish to add slide transitions without putting much effort like Flutter apps? Wondershare Presentory holds first place in adding transitions to the presentation. It is an AI-powered tool with various innovative features for making presentations.
With this AI software, users can create, record, and broadcast videos on popular platforms. It holds a variety of eye-catching templates that have the ability to attract diverse audiences. Moreover, it contains multiple library assets and visual aids. This tool has a user-friendly interface that puts many presenters at ease to make presentations.
Key Features Of AI Presentation Making With Presentory
Presentory holds such dynamic features that meet the diverse needs of presenters and audiences. It helps to bring life to the presentation and prevent the crowd from getting bored. So, read further and discover the AI features of this powerful software:
1. Transitions and Animations
To maintain a flow in presentations, adding transitions is preferred. On the other hand, to emphasize important concepts, one must use animations. This AI tool contains a variety of creative animations and transitions. Among some animations, styles include “Entrance,” “Emphasize,” and “Exit.” Users can set the order of animations in a slide after selecting them.
2. AI-Generated Content
In this era of artificial intelligence, anyone can create content for their projects. Similarly, Presentory can create accurate outlines with just the title prompt. The generated content is well-researched, updated, and structured. Instead of manually adding that content to slides, this tool sparingly adds content to your selected design of slides.
3. Polished Templates and Designs
Templates simplify the designing process of presentation and bring consistency to designs. Thus, this AI tool contains stunning templates according to the needs of diverse users. It allows you to import PowerPoint files and edit them. You can edit the text, animate objects, and change layouts. With this tool, record video in template slides and present aside with the content.
4. Beautifying Effects and Filters
This AI built-in tool can broadcast conferences and meetings on popular platforms. By using Presentory’s recording, speakers can change their background. Moreover, it enables you to enhance and apply makeup on their facial features. One can adjust brightness levels and video quality and apply AR cartoon effects on your face.
5. Resources of Visual Elements
People tend to remember more likely the concepts that are visually presented. Visual aids enhance the readability of concepts. Thus, this software supports rich library assets. Among them include slide backgrounds of bookshelves, conference rooms, and gradient colors. Also, it holds text, stickers, and animated character emojis. It also allows you to import logos and 3D elements in any format.
How to Use Presentory and Add Transitions in Presentation
All in all, this AI tool contains powerful features to create impactful presentations. Now, let’s discover together how to use Presentory and add transitions:
step1Access Presentory and Explore Options
Go to the official website of Wondershare Presentory and download this tool for free. First, install and sign in to the platform for creating presentations. On its main interface, look for the "Create with AI" option and press it.

step2Get AI-Generated Content and Select Design
After selecting "Create with AI," a window opens where you have to provide the respective title for the entire video. Select any specific category from the available options or choose “Other” if you are not aware of the niche directly. Add in the presentation topic and press "Send.”
This will generate an entire script for you, which can be accepted by clicking the “Continue” button. Consequently, select the design from the given templates. Press “Generate” after choosing one and wait for a while.

step3Customize Animations by Using Presentory
The generated content will be added to the selected slide design. Click on any object and head to the "Animations" from the top bar. From a variety of animations, choose the required one. For instance, tap the text heading and choose "Fade In.” Tap on the body text and select "Zoom In.” In this way, anyone can customize animations.

stepApply Transitions and Set it to All Scenes
Later on, move your cursor to the desired slide, and three dots will appear there. Click on it, and from the drop-down menu, select "Add Transition.” A window, "Scene Transition," will appear for you to choose. You can select "Set it to all Scenes" to apply the same transition to all slides. For asking for a similar transition to every slide, you can use the "Set it to all Screens" button.

step5Export Files to the Desired Location in the System
Lastly, import your file into your devices after you have completed editing. Thus, head to the top-left side and click on “Project.” From the drop-down menu, select “Save Project As.” Choose the desired location in your system to save the file.